Thursday, December 2, 2010

Is This The Real Thing, Or What??

Was the world a different place in 2003, or was it just me?

In 2003, not only did I not have a computer, or an email address, I had never even considered it. The "internet," in fact had only been "surfed" by me a few times... ever.

But, I had received such a jolt  from this new idea of "roller derby" that I had to know more. The article had a website address. I took it with me to Matt's house where he had a (can you say... dial up) computer and started searching.

Each page took about 5 minutes to load, and I had never heard of Google, so this process took me way into the night.

I wish I could show you the picture that tore a needle off the record for me.

Here I am, going out of my mind waiting for a page to load, so excited I can hardly stand it, and what comes up?

An image of a white trash dressed woman (Wearing skates at least? Uh, not that I recall.), stepping out of a trailer, with a corn dog placed suggestively at her mouth.

Wait a minute, what?! 

MAJOR BUZZ KILL. I mean, what the cock was that about? I kept searching, though. I came across an online flyer: "Now Recruiting for Roller Derby in Los Angeles."

Hmmm... LA? That's a lot closer than Texas! The next day I called the number and on the other line answered Rebecca, now known as Demolicious.

Demo: "Hello?"
Me: "Yah, I'm calling about roller derby."
Demo: "Oh, hi! Yah, we're.."
Interrupting Me: "Is this the real thing?? Cuz I'm not gonna drive all the way from Oceanside if it's not the real deal."
Demo: *pause* "Oceanside? Where is Oceanside??"

Thus a relationship 7 years, and counting, was born. Demo and I had a lot in common, she worked in construction, I was a barber. We hit it off right away.

She promised me it was the real thing, that she and her friend Wendy (AKA Thora Zeen) were bringing roller derby, a sport on skates, to Los Angeles and they had a coach who played roller derby in the 90's.

I was in... but... I had to go to my uncle's funeral on the east coast and be there for my aunt through the process first. So again, I was back to waiting a few months... Damn.

Have a rad day today! A gift:

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