Monday, December 27, 2010

Obsess Much?

I guess if you wanna get really good at anything, you've gotta pretty much obsess over it.

One way to get better at roller derby faster is to become more comfortable in your skates than you are in your shoes. And you do that by skating all the time. Or just wearing skates, even when there's no where to go.
In 2004 the LADD banked track got moved from the inside warehouse to the roof top of said building. This was a pretty cool place to practice, and I took advantage of that.

Not necessarily related, here's some quotes I wrote in a photo album from this time period...
I would go to the track, meeting up with someone like Evil E or Tara Armov or sometimes our coach, and skate ALL DAY. Bloody feet and all.

Turns out I do have a picture of my mangled feet from the old days...
I'd also skate all around town to do my errands, skate inside my house on days off, and go to skate parks and skate there too. Some people only skated at practice. Practice was kind of bonus skating in my week.

Some would call this a competitive nature, but I never really did it to better anyone else. I just wanted to be my best. The whole time I've been chasing my own potential.

A perfect image of derby, in my mind's eye.

And still feel like the best I have to offer is yet to come...
But there's another side to focus that people sometimes forget to tell you about. And that's the shutting out of other things that most people consider important.

And that's a subject for another post, but I'm sure you can guess that no gains come to life without a certain amount of sacrifice.

Pretty much every gain in life requires an equal loss, really.

You know, to make room for all the good things that are about to happen.
If you have stories that relate to this, feel free to tell me all about them.

Have a super rad day today!
And here's a parting gift, till we meet again:

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