Saturday, December 18, 2010

Haters Gotta....Love You Later! So Keep Going.

Oh, the jealousy that women are capable of...
Can I tell you, as I made my way through the ranks of skating ability... there were some muthafuckin HATERS!
And the ones I see from time to time are all genuinely good to see now, so many years later....

Which I'm grateful for. I'm happy to have people be nice.

But they have no idea, I'm sure, that I almost quit skating 7 years ago because their comments were so hurtful.
 So let's just break down the process of being hated on, shall we?

Because I know that most jealous women have NO IDEA what a problem that is for both themselves and the object of their disdain...

Maybe we can have some healing happen on this subject.

It started off with a few mumbles that included the words "show off."

I tried to ignore it.

I was having fun, finally skating at my potential. Plus I was young and jacked up on Red Bull most of the time (back then), so not much was getting in. Know what I'm saying?

But next thing I knew the comments were something I had to deal with at every practice.

When someone doesn't like you, they don't have to come out and say it. You can feel it. And even as... unintuitive... as I was at the time, I was starting to get the vibe.

Part of it was my unadulterated enthusiasm. I was SO EXCITED about roller derby. Like TOO EXCITED.

It wore people out.
But I just wanted to be good!

And I wanted everyone's approval (I admit it) so badly because they were all so much older and cooler than me at the time.

But instead, what I got were snide comments like;

"What a show off."
"Oh, of course she can do that."
"Maybe if I was 22 I could skate like that, too."

You know why jealousy is self destructive?

Jealousy is taking whatever it is you want, and placing it far away from you. Putting it in the unattainable zone.

So don't do it to yourself. And you know what else?

It feels like shit to be on the other end of that too. So don't do it to anyone else.

Even if they're freakishly excited about roller derby and desperate for your approval and 10 years younger and skating circles around you. 
But while I'm on this subject, I just wanna thank Evil E, who was a skater in those days and is the primary announcer for LADD now.
Back when I was getting hated on for my over-enthusiasm/growing skate skills, getting discouraged and thinking about quitting roller derby...

That's when Evil E said to me:

"You're so fun to have around! You're like a hyper little sister."

And totally saved my ass.

So where's the lesson in all this? Well, if I could sum it up in two phrases it would be:
No, wait... That's not it...  It would be:

Thanks again and so much love to you, Big Derby Sister Evil E!!!!!

I hope you have a super rad, inspiring day today!

Here's my parting gift!

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