Thursday, December 23, 2010


 Remember this post where I showed you the Scotty dog lamp I had on my Christmas wish list .... well he is now mine !!!
We really wanted to do our present opening with my mum considering we were not going to be with her on Christmas day .... so Santa came early to our house this year and we did a bit of unwrapping before our dinner ....
   I think we will change traditions next year and open gifts in the evening ... so much nicer !!!

 Our daughter Meg gave me and my husband this lovely book ..... so great, think I will have to do a separate post just to show you the amazing places .....

   Meg got this American Apparel shirt dress, very nice ....

 and a very cute little tutu skirt ....

 .... I got my favorite perfume, great timing, I had just ran out !!!

 But the gift we had the most fun with was the good old whoopee cushion (reminds me of this post) .... it was one of my daughters presents from me, funny how something so juvenile and silly can be soooo much fun !!!
(If you need to get in touch with your inner child I can highly recommend one)

.... and lastly, I think this is my favorite Christmas card, kind of sums up that Christmas feeling quite well !!!

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