Monday, December 13, 2010

A Hell Raiser Changed My Life!

Every once in a while you meet somebody who just really... affects you... in an inspiring way.

For me that was Demolicious,Co-Founder of LA Derby Dolls.

Because Los Angeles is actually no where near Oceanside,CA, a lot of the times I went to LA for practice or for a Derby Dolls event, I would stay at Demo's house.

And by "house," I mean studio apartment. 1 bed, 1 chair and 1 hyper active Chaweeny named Tonka.
That was one thing that struck me about Demo; her humble lifestyle.

Her "day" job at the time was sculpting these big Hollywood movie sets (at Union wages)... she made great money! But here she was living a totally practical lifestyle: 1 of everything, modest car, investing every minute of her free time to roller derby.

I marveled @ this because of how differently I lived @ the time, but I'll get into that another day.

Anywho, the first fundraiser we had was called a "Hell Raiser" and I went down the night b4 to stay w/Demo and help prepare everything, ie: follow her around all day.

I was in awe of this woman. For the event she coordinated the renting of:

~a ware house
~a bounce house
~plat forms for go go dancing
~off duty cops for security

And much more... including a kiddie pool full of Hollywood style fake mud for... mud wrestling. (more people got injured doing that than at practice. No, I did not participate. And it was a different time, don't judge!)

No reason for this picture, I just thought you might enjoy it. I know I do. I call this look "Porky Pig."

So... when the event was getting started, I was working the door.

It was a rainy Los Angeles night and we wondered if anyone would show up. They did. The place was PACKED! The event was crazy... Bonkers... Insane.

And that's when I knew, not after the first practice, but after the first fund raiser:

This is it. This is where I belong.

And I would (and continue to, 7 years later) follow this woman to the ends of the earth to see the rest of this vision come to life...

Have a super rad day today! Here's one of my favorite comedians:

And don't forget this little guy!

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