Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The First Time I Met a NOTORIOUS Skater

Not many people can say this... but I remember Tara Armov's first practice. I remember it well.

If you don't know who Tara Armov is, yet, and you wonder why I talk about her so much, it might have something to do with this first impression.


I'm sitting on the moldy carpet of a skating rink floor, lacing up my skates, *probably* talking at a million miles an hour to anyone who will listen (but they're not listening) about something I'm excited about.

Out of the corner of my eye I catch a tall, leather-clad pillar walking my way.

For some reason the skating rink had these big meat hook looking devices on the wall.
(Why do rinks always have so much dangerous shit in them??)
At this point I have stopped, mid-ramble, mid-skate lacing, to look up at a sight that pretty much took my breath away.

This amazonian red headed biker chick in tight leather pants... walking slowly in my direction, sunglasses still on, leather jacket slung behind her shoulder with one hand, motorcycle helmet in the other.

She has stopped to survey her surroundings just above me.

Without even looking, she places her leather jacket on the meat hook on the wall behind her, and continues to scan the room.

I'm gaping up at her, mouth open, eyes blinking like a fish.

You know that whisper yell that happens when you're really excited about something and are acting kind of retarded about it?

I whisper yelled to her,

"Are you a biker??"

She looked down at me without speaking and just nodded her head slowly.
Damn. I thought. I LOVE THIS WOMAN!!!
And I've pretty much been dancing around her orbit ever since then.

You know for years she wore her motorcycle helmet to practice? Probly still does!
Anywhoo, I love Tara.

She and I have the same western astrological signs (Sagittarius)and Chinese (monkey)!

And while we're both very opinionated and don't always agree, that's just a classy woman who's also tough and rides a freakin badass motorcylce AND she can draw the coolest pictures ever and she's just fun to be around.

Even when she's serious and/or loud.

Well, that's most of the time.  : ) Here's a link to Tara Armov's Blog!

Have a mega rad day today! Here's my parting gift! Cute on top of cute!

One more...

Stay dry out there!

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