Tuesday, December 28, 2010


We visited my husbands family for Christmas this year ....  
so after our early Christmas dinner at home we hopped in the car for the 7 hour road trip south .... a long drive but a very pretty one.
Our first stop is always Berry where they sell the best bread and french tarts at "The Sourdough Bakery" .... 

not exactly blue skies , but perfect for traveling ....

... this pair were on my lap for the whole trip .... they are good little travelers !!!

We stopped at a beautiful beach for a stretch .... totally deserted except for an old man having his daily dip .....

 the boys were very happy to get out for a bit of a run ....

 .... and we were pretty happy for a stretch too. 
Then it was back in the car for the second leg of the trip ....
to be continued . 

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