Sunday, December 26, 2010

What Was Your First Bout Like??

This year SD Derby Dolls had a mentoring program to help usher newer skaters through their experience w/a vet's help. Summer Crush was my mentee:

When she was about to play her first bout... I was really excited for her. She was nervous. She asked, "What was your first bout like?" I just smiled and was like....

"Uh, let's talk about that after your first game. This is all about you!"

I mean, look at that sweet face!

There's no way I was gonna tell her what my first bout was like!!! But since I know you love a good horror story, here we go!

The night before my first bout I thought, I'll adjust my skates so I have a real advantage!

OK, if no one has ever told you this, as no one had told young (completely lacking of common sense) Bonnie;


Don't change your wheels, don't grease your bearings, and definitely never ever ever ever ever loosen your trucks. Especially to the point where they might fall off the plates.

Should I even tell the rest of the story?

Ok, I'll go ram my head into a wall a couple times, come back and tell you the rest.

It wasn't just my first bout, it was California's first bout, the Derby Dolls first bout.

The first bout in the new generation of roller derby that was banked track, outside of Texas. And I was the first draft pick jammer for my team.

Just before I got on the track, another skater asked me, "Are you nervous?"

I looked at her with shining eyes and declared, "Are you kidding me?? I was born for this!"

It's true, I wasn't nervous at all. All I could feel was the blood of destiny coursing through my veins!

So I'm up to the line. First jam, first game, first turn of the banked track. I trip.

Like, at top speed. Over my own feet from my stupid loose trucks. Head first I fall, straight into an upright. Instantly knocking myself out.

Concussion, ragdoll, 6 foot slide to the ground, good night.
You know what's weird about me? That didn't scare me away from derby.

Oh cont-rare! I actually rallied and skated the second half of the bout. Though I don't actually remember much about it...

I will tell you this, though, I've never ever ever not been nervous before a bout since then! Every bout day I'm a wreck with nerves. And thank god!

So... what was your first bout like??Hopefully a little less traumatic.  : )

Have a super rad day today!

Here's my parting gift:

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