Tuesday, December 7, 2010

No, Seriously... Be Your Own Hero!

I know that the movie Whip It made it a little cliche to say, so maybe it would sound cooler coming from a fist:

Here's what that means to me:

You're not better than anyone, and nobody's better than you.

So, if you're really owning that, it's cool to admire people who have something that you're going for, but don't freakin worship them!

There are 2 reasons I am anti-roller-derby-hero-worship:

1) I have looked up to be people, gotten to know them, and been PROFOUNDLY disappointed in who they turned out to *really* be. Nothing like the idealized version in my mind. At all.

2) I've seen people look at me like I should have a cure for cancer by now, and that just feels like a set up to be profoundly disappointing.

If you haven't seen this movie, please see it! It's such a good message and explains the deep complexities of hero worship with talking owls.

Freakin genius:

I've had my experiences with this. 

And because I know you love a good embarrassment story, here we go!

When I was at the first Dust Devil (as a spectator) I happened to be at the bathroom sink at the same time as Buckshot Betsy.

For those of you new to derby, Buckshot was a serious badass. Blocking and jamming, with probly the most bangin' body ever and always a room lighting smile... I had never met her, but I was a fan for sure. 

On top of how cool she was on the track, she was also one of the faces in the Jane article that got me into derby.

So there we are, both washing our hands in a bathroom (that smells like bout day), and I can't help myself. 

I gotta talk to her while I have the chance

Me: (extending a still moist from washing hand): "Hi, I think you're awesome. I'm Bonnie."
Buckshot: "Hey, I'm Buckshot Bestsy" (smile that could light up a dark highway)
Me: "I know." (super creepy stalker tone)
Buckshot: (super uncomfortable.)

~sigh~ It still makes me feel shameful just remembering that moment. What was I thinking???

Anyhow, it was a mistake to put anybody up above me like that, she just had a couple years experience on me, she wasn't a super alien from another planet!

I haven't put anyone above me since. There are people I admire the shit out of, but mentally I don't rank them higher, or anybody else lower. 

I'm gonna talk more about this subject at some point, I'm sure. It's one I'm passionate about. 

But for now, I bid you adieu. Have a super rad day today! Here's a parting gift:

And, the cutest thing ever...

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