Sunday, December 26, 2010

Do You Believe In Magic??

I'm sure you've heard of the power of intention, or maybe the law of attraction, or other forms of making magic happen for yourself, right?

 Well, there's tricks to it. Some of them I know, some I'm sure I don't yet.
All genitals aside, have you heard the controversy of this picture? God, touching man with the power of enlightenment, is coming from a brain shaped cloud; the power of god is in the human mind. Pretty sacrilegious, considering da vinci painted it in... a chapel!

But nothing's more powerful than one strong group intention. The bigger the group, the more the passion, the bigger the possibilities.

I'm gonna tell one of my stories as it relates to getting a banked track, but you can apply the same philosophy to whatever your current goal is.

What a lot of skaters outside of banked track leagues probably don't realize is...

Nobody starts off a banked track league right out the gate! In the beginning there's skating rinks, getting a business together, forming a league ethic...

In short, all the same steps/combination of passion and energy that you apply to your league, but with an added intention.

But there's this crazy phenomenon that helps the final push, a birthing if you will, of the actual track itself. And it's called getting on one.
Before there was San Diego Derby Dolls, I was an LA Derby Doll. And we always had this intention of getting our own banked track.

So when our coach at the time was going to be in an old school banked track game, we all took the day long road trip to be there for it.
Me, old school legend "Skinny Minnie", Robin Graves, Crystal Deth, Judy Gloom

To support our coach? Yes. But also...for the chance to skate a banked track ourselves. For the first time.

Some of us helped build the track, others just lurked around the building, skating in the halls... others had started drinking at noon and would just be watching the event go down. (It was a different time.)

Remember, I was a young hyperactivederbyobsessedfreak... so the anticipation of this moment was almost toofuckingmuch for me to bear!

The SECOND the last screw was in the track, I threw a leg over the side and I was flying around it with no regard! It was so....
Before this moment, we'd worked so hard for so long towards that goal...

But I'm not kidding you, when we got home from being actually on one for the first time... shit just happened. We had our own track within a couple months.

It's like... whatever you want, get on it. Get in it. Do something like it, whatever, and you'll get it in no time! And if you do that as a group....

I've got a lot more stories about magic... but for now, I bid you adieu.

Have a magically rad day today!

Here's my parting gift:

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