Thursday, December 23, 2010


Last week it was an early Christmas celebration with my dad, last night it was Christmas dinner with my mum, her husband and a lovely old family friend .....  and tomorrow we leave to visit my husbands family on the South Coast for a few days and celebrate Christmas with them. 
It's kind of fun having lots of gatherings and not trying to fit everyone in on that one day .... really it is the Christmas "Season" .... we still haven't caught up with some of our special friends but sometimes it's nice to do that after Christmas Day instead of that busy pre-Christmas time (and there's always New Year)
So last night it was dinner on the deck, lots of great food and lots of laughs ..... (especially with that whooppie cushion !!!)

Dinner is served .... 

This is my beautiful mum (I did this post on her a while back) and our dog Elvis, he adores her too ....

.... and this is my husband, thanks to his Sunday fishing trip we got to eat some very fresh fish for dinner .... he's a good "hunter gatherer" !!!

My lovely Meg ....

.... and this is our great family friend Tiwi, he always spends Christmas with our family .... I just had to get him a bit early this year.

 A kiss for the cook .... that's me !!!!

 We went well into the night .... 

 I love using these jam jars for candle holders ....

 and Mr Scotty dog works very well .... I love him !!!
A very, very lovely night, 
the only person missing was our son Barney who is having Christmas and New Year in Bali,  It will be my first Christmas without him ... but he assures me he is having the best time !!!

So that's all for my Christmas posts ....
here's wishing you all a very happy festive season ... 

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