Tuesday, December 7, 2010


 I first saw this scottie dog in the window of the new Kido store in Surry Hills ..... I was actually after the rabbit version but after seeing this little guy I changed my mind ....

....  so now "the doggie in the window" is going to be my Christmas present from my family, I can't wait !!!

 The store also stocks some great pieces by Brooklyn based artist Tamar Mogendorff and there is a beautiful display of her birdcages in the window ....

Oh and I just had to get these great little shadow puppets ....

 I tried them underneath a lampshade, they work so well .... 

.... I must get this little friend over to play again !!!

  After that we strolled across the road for a coffee, it was such a warm afternoon so we ordered iced coffees, I haven't had an iced coffee for years, I forgot how lovely were .... especially when they are made the authentic way without icecream or masses of whipped cream on top .... I think I may have found my new favorite beverage !!!

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