Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Response from Kickstarter

Well I think you have done it.  I sent along some of your positive comments to Cindy that were copied and pasted from the comments section.  Who was it who suggested I try Kickstarter?  - special kudos to you, and to everyone who helped make the case.  Step one, right?

Anyway, here is the response - let's prepare, and make the most of this opportunity.  I have already signed up for a "creator account" and I have a log in. Give me a day or so to look into that a little more to see how we can connect Kickstarter to here, or on another site, in a way that we can all define and share this project easily online.

Meanwhile, please take a look at kickstarter.com for examples of successful projects, and some that have not been.  Creativity is obviously a prerequisite - while we're at it, let's innovate too, not just mimic the past, but make something new and valuable that belongs in our future.


"Hi Bob,

Wow -- what a great community you've got! I think you've definitely picked out
some of the best suggestions :)

Congratulations -- you’re in! In just a moment, you’ll be able to start getting
your project ready. Yay!

Take as much time as you need to prepare. There’s no deadline to launch. Check
out some of our Recommended projects, browse the FAQ, and read the project
guidelines. They'll give you a feel for what works and help you shape your
project into a great one.

Some of the things you’ll learn:

1) A video is a must. It makes an emotional connection and shows you care. Plus,
projects with video succeed at a much higher rate!

2) Cool rewards make a big difference. Not every reward has to be special, but
they’re a great opportunity to share what’s unique to you and your project.

3) Spreading the word pays off. You provide the experience and the idea, your
network helps fund and promote it.

Also, when considering your funding goal, remember that it's an all-or-nothing
deal -- you can always raise more, but never less!"

Ready? Let’s get started!

To begin building your project, log-in to Kickstarter and then click the green
"Start Your Project" button on the start page.

All best,

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