Friday, December 3, 2010

Goal of the project

The goal is to enable the supply of a very high quality 4x5 (and possibly 8X10) negative material, for artistic purposes, that can be easily field processed, such as so-called "instant film" of discontinued Polaroid type 55, and get this to happen any way we can! We will need your help to make it happen.

It is not the goal to "resurrect" Polaroid 55. T55 has gone the way of Kodachrome. If successful, we will have a new material or system, likely with its own characteristics. If receiver chemistry and costs goals can be met, a P/N product will be attempted. If that is impractical, a the goal will still be to supply a very high quality negative material that can easily be field processed.

There have been over 500 page views today! I am grateful and humbled by the generosity of people who have expressed their support, and are telling others.

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