Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Dawning of A New Era... Will Have To Wait A Few Months!

When my lease was up I said goodbye to the Isolation Chamber and moved into the apartment behind my Aunt's house (Oceanside,CA) where her husband was on hospice.

So this wasn't an entirely fun time either, but... there was definitely change a'brewing.

I won't say I came out a zen master or anything, but my Isolation period had changed me. So despite the heartache of comforting a mourning loved one, I had a pretty good idea that something rad was on it's way...

That's when I found "the" Jane magazine, in the summer of 2003. Inside was an article that was barely an article. It was more like a particle, (knee slaps) but it had a picture of a pile of women on the ground wearing... plaid skirts.

I wear plaid skirts!

And roller skates... 

I wear roller skates too!

BOOM. That was it: decision made. Whatever they were doing I was gonna do it. No questions asked, I was going to definitely, Wait... what are they doing? I guess I should read the words too... Oh, roller derby?  

Well, whatever the fuck roller derby is, I'm doing it!

Here's the article (actual size) that changed the world (well, my world):

Seriously, that's how it started.

The article said roller derby was in Austin, Texas.  

So, looks like I'll be moving to Austin, TX then.

I was 22 years old, and the only things I liked to do were Matt and roller skate. So whatever this roller derby thing was: I wanted it. And I needed no more reason that that to change my life.

I cut the article out of Jane and put in a frame as an affirmation. Matt (love of my life) was on board: we would save some money and in a few months... move to Texas!

Or so I thought at the time....

Have a rad day today!

Here's my parting gift; I hope it makes you cry (from laughing) as it did me:

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