Sunday, September 12, 2010


It was a lovely sunny Saturday morning, a late breakfast at Bouke St Bakery, bread buying , browsing in galleries (bought a great piece of art which I will show you in a later post)....


.... and a nice stroll through Surry Hills.


I loved this dog, he watched us the whole time we were eating our breakfast, not sure who he belonged to but he was cute  !!!

I really like the chairs outside of this cafe ....

 .... and the spring flowers budding (this ones for you Georgina).

We unfortunately didn't make it to "The Society Inc" flea market .... this is all that remained by the time we got there ... I read here it was another great one, maybe next time. Still nice to visit the store anyway, I did get a beautiful vintage lace tablecloth which I plan to use as a bed throw.
Called into the Chauvel cinema to see what was showing, I love this place .....
.... especially the balcony
.... and the old carpet and theatre seats in the foyer.

 Finished the day with a very late lunch / early dinner at Mohr Fish in Surry Hills .....
... the food is delicious, plus the decor is pretty great too ... the tiles, the chairs, the blue of the doors and window sills, not to mention that flower arrangement !!!
So a great day was had ... followed by a very quite Saturday night, which after all the walking was very nice indeed !!!
 It's nice to see the days getting warmer and smelling all those great spring smells in the air.
Hope you had a lovely weekend.

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