Friday, September 24, 2010


This clever idea for those unsightly electrical cords.
via here
Really liking this girls look, especially that red lipstick ....
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and I think these stairs are worn out perfection !!!
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 These ceramic paper plates by Virginia Sin
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These lovely spring blooms.
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Really liking the photo previews of this soon to be released book.

These very wise words from Dr.Seuss.
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Leilas Shop in Storeditch London looks nice .... there are some great pics on this blog.

I'm going to try this recipe for baked eggs over the weekend .... will let you know how they turn out !!!
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They really were the most beautiful couple don't you think?

This shop dedicated solely to magazines .... perfect, and it's in Berlin, even more perfect !!!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
found here

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