Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Well I have shown you the newly painted bathroom, now for the bedroom .... remember the empty space at the end of this post .... well it is finally coming together. 
I mentioned here how I was liking just having a mattress on the floor and I must say I still do, this lovely lady actually dedicated a post to my mattress preference, how great is that !!!
For some reason with the freshly painted walls I don't want to put my pictures back up, the walls feel nice bare .... and my old doona cover didn't work with the low mattress (my old room is in this post), I much prefer the plain white .... a change is always nice.

 This little mirror was on the wall, but I like it much better propped up here ....

.... same goes for this artwork .

The good old crate with magazines stayed ....


.... as did the chair and drawers.

This mirror used to hang above our bed, I did love it, but with the bed being low now it doesn't really work anymore  .... I really like it propped up here, and it's great for getting dressed ....

  .... and these little guys seem to approve of their new room too, so much easier to jump on that low bed !!!
So what do you think ?

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