Wednesday, September 29, 2010


A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to purchase a drawing by one of my favorite artists Miso, I have already posted about Miso here as I am such an admirer of her drawings and street art.
Then at the same time by sheer coincidence whilst reading a post on this blog I discovered the beautiful photography of  Olga Bennett and whilst looking at her site I came across a photo shoot that Olga had done in Miso's Melbourne studio (which she shares with her equally talented partner Ghostpatrol).
I could so imagine them together, two artists at work, Miso drawing, Olga taking photographs ... both so relaxed and cool, Miso said it was so lovely having Olga there for the afternoon just hanging out, talking and taking photographs .... and what wonderful photographs they are !!!  

I would have so loved to have visited the studio (unfortunately I was not in Melbourne so I had to settle for my drawing being posted) ... I love knowing my art purchase comes from such an inspiring, passionate place, and such a talented and lovely artist .... Miso was an absolute pleasure to deal with, and thanks Olga for giving me a chance to see Miso's studio.
Then another coincidence, the next day after I received my drawing I switched on the arts channel and this ABC documentary of Miso and Ghostpatrol just happened to be showing .... funny how the stars align !!!
I will show you my Miso drawing and some more of Miso's work next week.
Olga Bennett also has a great blog so be sure to check that out too.

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