Friday, September 10, 2010


I like the location of this loft .... 

.... and this take on the classic Eames "Hang it All"
via here 
 This beautiful building.

 This blazer and these boots by Maryam Nassir Zadeh
found via Primoeza ... I can dream !!!

The window view of Merci in Paris.
 via here
The latest issue of Australian Vogue, beautiful cover and a some really great articles.

Cherry tarts ...  these with coffee would be the perfect "late" Saturday breakfast for me !!! 
Anyone know where to buy good ones in Sydney ?
pic via here

This bloggers local cafe looks nice ....

.... as does this space ( love the window and light shade !!!)
see more here

 Picasso's light drawings .... so great !!!
via here
This amazing embroidery by Daniel Kornrumpf.
 via here 

These two equally adorable tummies !!! 
found here via here

This lucky girl got to go to the Venice Film Festival for the premiere of Sophia Coppola's "Somewhere" ... her photos and review are so great and how divine is Sophia's husband Thomas Mars !!!
You can thank this girl for the link.

On a completely different note ... watch this, so beautiful !!!

Well our darling foal is doing well, she still remains nameless but we are working on it .... can't wait to have some time with her on the weekend.
Hope you have a great one.

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