Tuesday, September 14, 2010




Tonight I was taken back to my last year in High School when I was struggling in my English Literature textbook " The Great Gatsby" by Scott Fitzgerald.

My school Pt Chevalier Primary School puts on a production every year, alternating from a whole school of 660 to years 5 & 6 of 200. It is no easy feat, with so many children.

Bugsy Malone is a musical of the era of the Prohibition in the 1920s, of gangsters and fighting. It is interesting to watch ten and eleven year olds performing adult roles.

We produced four sold out shows and tickets were $10. The parents are very supportive of this performing arts in our school curriculum. I asked some parents how they felt about their kids spending so much time on rehearsals, and they all say, "it is good that the kids have all these experience."

I thoroughly enjoyed myself with the audience. The party poppers made it a celebration at the finale. Sorry I can't show you the production as filming is not allowed.

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