Friday, September 3, 2010


I found this in the latest copy of Apartamento magazine (such a great read)  It is actually an advertisement for The Ace Hotel, but I thought it was worthy of a frame on my desk !!!

Love this room, the paper shade, the window and that artwork, just beautiful ....
found here via here
 ... and another favorite.
via here
These beautiful works by Joshua Bronaugh ....
found via here
.... and this equally beautiful photograph, does anyone know who the photographer is ?
 via here
 Same goes for this one.
via here
This amazing chair featured in the latest Selby post. 

Don't you just love this library space, especially that spiral staircase !!!
via here
Really liking these pics from"Style Me Romy". 

Looking forward to Sibella Court's Fleamarket at The Society Inc. .....

and also seeing this film, I love French films !!!

Well so much for Spring as mentioned in this post, the first day of September was the most perfect Spring day but it has been down hill from there, rainy and quite gloomy as I write this, lets hope the sun shines for the weekend.
Hope you have a sunny one too ... 
Happy Weekend.

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