Friday, September 17, 2010


This very simple and serene bedroom.
via here
The collaboration of Bella Freud and Susie Bick  ( who just happens to be married to Nick Cave, my all time  favorite musician) ....  photographed by Sam Taylor -Wood.

 This beautiful work by Lisa Solberg .....
found via here
.... and these stunning shades by Pinch  .... a great husband and wife design team.
via here
These candles look nice ....
via here
..... as does this bed covering.

This exit sign at the Ace Hotel New York .... and remember the first pic on this post, well it made it on to The Ace Blog ... kind of cool !!!

Really liking this trailer for this film, plus it stars one of my favorite theatre actors Toby Schmitz.

This chair made from a recycled barrel by Po!Paris.

Anthony Gromley's  recent public art project  Event Horizon in New York.
This shot makes me really want a Margherita pizza tonight !!!
found here
This shot just made me laugh, thanks Nancey !!!
Hope you have a great weekend.

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