Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Revolving Door Of Life...

Nothing last forever.. even as a child the toys, video games, school crushes, and our favorite sneakers were merely pieces of rain eventually evaporating after finishing it's assignment in our lives.. Life is funny sometimes how things turn out almost changing overnight. My mother said a friend of hers only daughter died recently in a car accident. I couldn't imagine not being here for my mother or me dying 1st. There was a point where I  thought only children had it bad growing up without siblings but the most tragic feeling would be to lose your only child.

The revolving door of life has taught me what's here today is gone tomorrow. There was a point where I intended to hold onto everything that meant something to my life. When I gain I have a hard time letting go money, clothes, family, friends, etc... I now realize that with every season comes change and with change brings growth. When you refuse to let go you refuse to grow and therefore change becomes stagnant. In my short 29 years on earth I've lost and gained many things that meant something worthwhile to me and like a flash it disappeared. Now as I embark on a new era in my life the revolving door is spinning again and once again I must embrace change. New goals, New career opportunity's, New Friends, And New Territories to explore. I'm thankful for the Door's God is opening in my life because the Revolving Door Of Life is Changing and I must be ready to walk through it. 

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