Sunday, September 5, 2010


The weekend started out very wet and rainy which was kind of nice for a Saturday sleep in and newspaper / magazine catch up.
Sunday morning didn't start out much better, gale force winds and a morning blackout, but luckily the power was back on for a late breakfast .....

 .... by afternoon the winds had gone and the sun was shining, so it was a bit of pottering in the garden, planted a few spring herbs and flowers (remember these old tin cans) .....

 .... including some wild rocket .... love this stuff !!!

This is our beautiful spring jasmine .....

 ... it's quite a wild vine, but I just love it especially the fragrance.

Remember last week how I told you our horse was going to give birth any day .... well we are still waiting, poor girl, she is so big and you can see the foals legs moving when you look at her belly. Hopefully any day now ... in the meantime my daughter gave her a lovely brush and a walk around the green grass at my mums house .....

 ..... see that big tummy !!!

Someone else had a bit of fun at my mums house too !!!

Today was Fathers Day (I think my overseas friends celebrate it on a different day to us Australians is that right ?) .... anyway, my dad and his wife came over for Sunday dinner ... I found a great food blog "Trotski & Ash" written by these two Melbourne girls, it has some really nice recipes .....
 .... I made this " Lemony Lamb" for our Fathers Day dinner, so easy and it's one of those dishes that is better made the day before which I like ..... (these pics are from their blog)
 I think I might try these "Salmon Cakes" next, don't they look great ....
.... and this Pavlova with rum syrup and figs looks pretty divine too !!!
So a nice evening was had, the lamb was delicious, I will definitely be making it again .... the two dads (my husband and dad) were very satisfied  ..... and there is even left over lamb to make nice big sandwiches tomorrow !!!

Hope you had a nice weekend.

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