Tuesday, January 4, 2011

FP3000B45 now available

Interesting news for users of this super high speed black and white instant pack film: The 4x5 version of it has finally reached North America and should show up online any moment.

This uses the PA-45 holder, or the Polaroid 550 large packfilm holder.

Thanks to Brandon Remler of Fujifilm USA for giving us notice that it is on its way. I certainly will get a case of it and go wild in low light with my Speed Graphics and maybe a Byron.  Aaron Muderick has been a big fan of this material in the smaller size, and has produced good looking images from the scanned negative, which has a decent tonal range.

FP3000B and FP3000B45 are descendants of my original favorite Type 47 film that I think revolutionized instant photography when it came out. Fuji has refined it to use a minuscule amount of silver in a highly amplified DTR intensification process onto a receiver sheet that has a little better mid grays than the Old Pol 667.

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