Monday, January 17, 2011

Juicy Gossip

What it is about human nature? You hear the words "juicy gossip" and it's almost like the human version of tail wagging happens...

It's not the word "gossip." Everyone knows the yucky connotations of that word alone.

But for some reason you put the word "juicy" in front of it and it makes people all kinds of excited!

I'm not into shit talking at all, but even I can't deny it; when I hear that phrase there's an anticipatory feeling that happens...

Like getting a package in the mail. You can't wait to see what's inside.

Weird thing is, the contents of most packages don't live up to that feeling, do they?
You know, if you put the word juicy in front of anything else, it doesn't have this same effect. Usually things just get kinda gross...

I'm one to try to resist the urge to gossip, in the terms of just trying to be slanderous.

BUT... I think the natural reaction  people have happens because in reality, we're all just curious about each other.

I think it's natural to wanna know how other people do things, how they live, what their story is. And everyone has secrets.

It seems the thing we get most curious about is what other people's secrets are.

We wanna secretly compare them to our own. Feel better about them some how...

But that's a lot of philosophy leading up to me telling you, I've learned my lesson about gossiping. Too many times to count, actually! So I make a point not to. 

That said, this wouldn't be much of a blog (<------ weird word) if the truth wasn't told. 
So I will now tell you the scandalous story of my first epic derby disappointment.

And by "now," I mean in the next blog I'm about to write!

This bird is called a "Syke."
Have a rad day today!!!

Bad Bush! Don't eat the kitty!
Here's my parting gift!

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