Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ok, Time To Shine!

When starting SD Derby Dolls, our first unofficial "practice" was like many leagues: more of an open skate... during a public session.
There were between 5-10 women interested in roller derby, who agreed to meet me there.

This was like a trial run for me; to see what the rink was like, if the women meeting me could skate at all, that kind of stuff.
I was pretty much accepting the fact that I'd have to be in charge, and moving forward too quickly to doubt myself about it or anything.

But I still had the notion that our LA coach would be coming out to coach in San Diego, too...

But, as it turned out, at our first official practice, June 13, 2005... There would be no one to coach but me!

I had never coached before this day. I don't think I'd ever done any public speaking, outside a few debates in high school social studies...

I was so excited about the new league, but so scared of leading a practice!

My friend (and towards the end of my time with LADD, fellow carpooler to LA) Ruthless Killa, stood real close to me at one point, watching everyone come in and try on skates and did that whisper yell to me:

You need help with anything?

I could feel one of my first adult happy tears burning behind my eyes and whisper yelled back,

Just be excited with me!

I think just the fact that the attendance of the first real practice was so successful (over 20 skaters) I was just ready to be successful at anything, despite my fears.

And that's when I learned a pretty valuable lesson. Are you ready me to drop some serious derby wisdom??? Ok, here it comes...

There's no difference between the feeling of being nervous, and the feeling of excitement.

So whichever one you're feeling, you just gotta push through it and make some magic happen. I was scared out of my mind, but when it came time to get some coaching done, coaching I did.

And on the car ride home I couldn't help but feel like.... I'd done a pretty good job! Once I got going it seemed to kind of flow...


Maybe that was something I could do.

Maybe leadership was something that could be learned. I mean, not like I had a whole hell of a lot of choice, at this point, anyways! The show had to go on...

I hope you have an unreasonably rad day today!

Here's my parting gifts!

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