Monday, January 24, 2011

What Wouldn't I Sacrifice?

There's something mystical about roller derby, isn't there?

We don't talk about it too much; probably cuz we're busy living our experiences right now.

But you can feel it.

One day you're a normal person. And then you find out there's this magical cult on wheels that exists...

You find you're willing to change every aspect of life to revolve around it..

Schedules, rearranged.
Time management, redefined.
Self esteem, growing in unexpected ways.

And then there's the sacrifices you're willing to make, without a second thought.

I know a little something about that.

I'd hardly begun skating when I was faced w/the choice: double my shifts at work and get myself out of debt...


chase this purple unicorn and see where it leads me!

It took about 26 seconds of consideration to choose a life of adventure and passion; over what I'd been conditioned to consider the more "responsible" choice.

Decision made, plunge taken,

I know how romantic that sounds and all... But the reality of a choice like that can be harsh at times.

I may have made the decision not to be a material girl, but it was still a material world.

This point was really driven home for me in 2005, when I flew out the door, late for work.

HEY, where did I park my beloved La Toya??

Yes, that's what I used to look like.    : )
She was my *beloved* Toyota Tacoma truck that I'd been making double payments on.

But times had gotten tough for barbers in a military town when the war began....
And I'd chose chasing unicorns over working extra hours to make up for lost income...

 And now La Toya was missing. Or should I say...

That was a sad day.

But you know what?

Even as I stood on the sidewalk, looking at the empty space where my truck used to be... part of me was sad. But another part was like,

Meh. Easy come, easy go. At least I still have roller derby.
I would miss my truck, but there was something about exploring my potential through roller derby that meant more to me than any material stuff I had.

I pretty much decided there was only one thing I wouldn't give up for roller derby.

And, fortunately for both of us, he would never ask me to.

You have yourself a crazy rad day today!!! Parting gifts?? Cute kissing cute!

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