Friday, January 28, 2011

Rolling Up The Shirt Sleeves, Gone Wild!

I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove skating. I freakin love it!

So you know I had to pretty much be half crazed when I decided to take a year off of skating to get San Diego Derby Dolls, the business, off the ground.

But, that's what I did.

I did skate in my last bout as an LA Derby Doll (another blog), but besides that...

For most of '06 and the first couple months of '07, any pix of me you'll find I'm either coaching, reffing, or just, you know, gaining 20 lbs, as I ran the business.

During that year, though, I felt like I had just given birth to something special.

And I wanted to make it truly not about me, and nurture this little thing into existence with every ounce of my energy.
Which is exactly what I did. I gave it all my energy. Too much. I was completely unselfish in my motives, but also an unknowing success addict!

Getting high off every time something came together, I would run myself into the ground making sure that everything did.

I was every committee (but PR and Art, we've always had a bangin' Art dept!), and I was every league job, including the only coach.

This was before I decided skirts are not for me.

I was San Diego Derby Dolls. Except for the skating part. You know, the part I loved the most...

OK, but here's why I'm not a martyr about it.

First of all, no one asked me to make that sacrifice. It was a personal choice.

I know I did the right thing for the league, and myself, at the time. And when it was no longer the right thing, started skating again.

But for that year, I needed to see what I was capable of, outside of skating.

And yah, I took it too far and burned myself out completely, gained a bunch of weight, became a crabby person from lack of exercise in my life, and had to reevaluate.
But... sometimes you can't really know what your perfect balance looks like, till you've run to each end of extremes first.

Also, for the purpose of relating with so many other people over the years, I'm glad I got to see how humbling a come-back to skating can be.

But that's another story!

I hope you have the raddest of days today!

I literally never high five anyone, but for some reason think this is rad.   : D

Here's my parting gifts, till we meet again!

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