Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wait a Minute, What's a Committee???

The early days of SDDD were like a crazy explosion of creative energy.

And I was just running with it, literally and figuratively. For the first few months I just... did everything.

When people came to the door, I took their name and their practice money.

Then I'd coach the practice.

Then I'd clean up after.

Then I'd go home and answer a million emails.

The next day I'd go to Los Angeles, where I was trying to hold on to my team player status.
I hadn't yet come to terms with the fact that my life was in San Diego now.

For a good 6 months, or so, I held on to the hope that I could start a league in SD, but not have to start all over myself.
And then there was work... or should I say... the attempt to work at a barber shop that had no business yet.

I'll get to how that happened, and how it affects my story later...

Anyhow, that was a lot of activity and it might've made someone else bonkers, but I was only 24 and pretty much had the energy of a you-know-what.

Why are squirrels so awesome??
I had called up Thora at one point to get some advice and she said,

Sounds like things are going well! Now you need to get some committees set up.

And I, in my wisdom, said,

OK, great! Wait a minute, what's a committee?

OK, here comes some sagely knowledge! Ready??

No, that's not actually it. I just thought that pic was funny!

I've learned, over the years, that there's two ways to learn your lessons in life. (Once you've decided to live it consciously.)

The first includes foresight:

Planning, research, learning from the mistakes of others. Being able to make predictions and effect the future to your benefit with the least amount of set back.

And then there's the way I used to operate, when I was 24:

I was more into, just get going, and learn along the way. And I still am at times.

Because, if you think about it, any uncharted waters are... well... uncharted. So if you're gonna have the courage to try new things, sometimes you just gotta learn as you go.

So I've no regrets about the way things worked back then. Though my first few attempts at committees didn't really stick... I just kind of continued to do everything all the time. For... a while...

The one committee we always had, though, was Art. But that's... another story.

Have a freakin' rad day today!

Here's my parting gift:

And don't forget these little guys!

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