Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Monobath Field Processing Tanks for 4X5 Film

Two versions shown here, one to be opacified and capped, for a light-tight seal so we can process B&W Readyloads and the like (EPN shown as a prop) in broad daylight, and fast. The small catch at the base grabs the clip, allowing the sleeve to be pulled up through a light seal cap of rubber.

Yet another tank on the right needs nothing to protect it from the light. The top sleeve, in black with sporty red stop bar,  shown with fluid apertures, and a swelling paper that separates itself from the emulsion surface, to eliminate uneven monobath development. Under that, proof that just about anything can be a sleeve, made from a FedX envelope, and taped, and under that, the last of the Old Pol 4X5 material, soon to be depleted.

With dimensional modifications, we have made the clip and sleeve arrangement fit all of the holders, including the 500, 545, ReadyLoad, and Quickload systems. I like the late-model Kodak ReadyLoad holder the best, with its pressure plate, and lightweight design, but any of them can be used.

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