Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday Challenge: Gears

"TECHNOLOGY" (Machines, Gears, Engines, Mobile Phones, Laptops, Wires, Toy Robots,...)
Thursday Challenge is a place for photographic fun and learning. A theme is announced on this site each week. You may either take a new photograph related in some way to the theme or select one that you have taken previously;

This must have been a very big machine. Found at the waterfront of Auckland, New Zealand.

Fourth year - Wednesday 29 September 2010

Summary of the class:

- Speaking practice: echo questions.

- Speaking practice: So / neither.

- Pronunciation: contractions

- Listening practice: video on university and work.

Second year - 2ºA - 29 September 2010

Summary of the class:

- Listening: Ben and Marie.

- Speaking practice: names. Click here to see the questions.

- Writing: a description

- Reading: Who knows you better, your family or your friends? Click here to read the text.

- Revision: present tense

Homework: Write an email, describing yourself. Write four paragraphs, following the plan in the copy we worked on.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to purchase a drawing by one of my favorite artists Miso, I have already posted about Miso here as I am such an admirer of her drawings and street art.
Then at the same time by sheer coincidence whilst reading a post on this blog I discovered the beautiful photography of  Olga Bennett and whilst looking at her site I came across a photo shoot that Olga had done in Miso's Melbourne studio (which she shares with her equally talented partner Ghostpatrol).
I could so imagine them together, two artists at work, Miso drawing, Olga taking photographs ... both so relaxed and cool, Miso said it was so lovely having Olga there for the afternoon just hanging out, talking and taking photographs .... and what wonderful photographs they are !!!  

I would have so loved to have visited the studio (unfortunately I was not in Melbourne so I had to settle for my drawing being posted) ... I love knowing my art purchase comes from such an inspiring, passionate place, and such a talented and lovely artist .... Miso was an absolute pleasure to deal with, and thanks Olga for giving me a chance to see Miso's studio.
Then another coincidence, the next day after I received my drawing I switched on the arts channel and this ABC documentary of Miso and Ghostpatrol just happened to be showing .... funny how the stars align !!!
I will show you my Miso drawing and some more of Miso's work next week.
Olga Bennett also has a great blog so be sure to check that out too.

Best Winter Hairstyles

If you want to look hot and sexy during the winter season, you need to be familiar with the best winter hairstyles for women. Expect hairstyles to change as the temperature drops. Get to know what is fashionable and what's not to keep your hair stylish and chic all winter long.No matter what your hair length is, you can choose from a wide range of glamorous hairstyle options. You can add more

Second year - 2ºB - Tuesday 28 September 2010

Summary of the class:

- Pronunciation: -ed past tense forms

- Vocabulary: family and relationships.

- Speaking practice: your family

- Writing: an email
Homework: Write an email, following the instructions of the copy we read in class.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Some looks never go out of style ... I love fashion, looking at it, reading about it, seeing other people wearing it, but at the end of the day simple "lifestyle" clothes always seem to win out  ..... easy, dependable and classic .......

..... and a few great accessories never go astray

.... as well as a great print dress (well for me anyway !!!)
Pic 1&6 via 2 via 3,5 via 4,10,15 via  7 via 11 via
17 via

The Revolving Door Of Life...

Nothing last forever.. even as a child the toys, video games, school crushes, and our favorite sneakers were merely pieces of rain eventually evaporating after finishing it's assignment in our lives.. Life is funny sometimes how things turn out almost changing overnight. My mother said a friend of hers only daughter died recently in a car accident. I couldn't imagine not being here for my mother or me dying 1st. There was a point where I  thought only children had it bad growing up without siblings but the most tragic feeling would be to lose your only child.

The revolving door of life has taught me what's here today is gone tomorrow. There was a point where I intended to hold onto everything that meant something to my life. When I gain I have a hard time letting go money, clothes, family, friends, etc... I now realize that with every season comes change and with change brings growth. When you refuse to let go you refuse to grow and therefore change becomes stagnant. In my short 29 years on earth I've lost and gained many things that meant something worthwhile to me and like a flash it disappeared. Now as I embark on a new era in my life the revolving door is spinning again and once again I must embrace change. New goals, New career opportunity's, New Friends, And New Territories to explore. I'm thankful for the Door's God is opening in my life because the Revolving Door Of Life is Changing and I must be ready to walk through it. 

Tech Tues: The Blackberry Tablet?

So Blackberry is aiming high and looking to release it's own version of the IPAD with the The Playbook. I've had a chance to the demo video and see a few pictures and I must say the look is very sleek and polished. My B'day is coming up soon and I'm very tempted to purchase one once I find out price range not to mention what the overall review of it.. Here are some quick things the website is saying about the Blackberry Playbook:

  • deal for games, media, apps and everything the real Internet offers
  • Full Adobe® Flash® 10.1 enabled
  • Built-in support for HTML 5
  • No-compromise, beautiful rendering of text, graphics and video

  • 7" LCD display, 1024 x 600 screen resolution
  • 5.1" x 7.6" x 0.4" (130mm x 194mm x 10mm)
  • 0.9 lbs (400g)
  • Built-in microUSB connector
  • Multi-touch capacitive screen
  • Wi-Fi® 802.11 a/b/g/n

  • Powerful, user-friendly QNX technology - it's what the World Wide Web runs on
  • On-screen keyboard
  • True multi-tasking

  • 3 MP high definition forward-facing camera
  • 5 MP high definition rear-facing camera
  • Codec support for superior media playback, creation and video calling
  • 1080p HD video; H.264, MPEG4, WMV HDMI video output
  • Micro USB, Micro HDMI, and DLNA media streaming

And Must More which can be found at the website...>>>>>

Kinda Excited... But i won't hold my breath. Blackberry has been disappointing recently especially since they haven't dropped a new phone for my cell phone provider...

F2.8 150mm Xenotar

A lot of these Schneider Xenotars have come on ebay recently, and many of them are recovered from high speed ballistics cameras, so the lenses have been up close to explosions, blasts, flying debris, and very rough handling. The selling prices are low and the supply may be exceeding the demand. Despite this, the somewhat marked-up front element of this Xenotar, which is now mounted in a Compur 2 shutter, seems to not matter at all. And why should it, considering that big aperture?

The dented rim was a fair amount of work to straighten out, but now it takes a 77mm filter without too much trouble.

If you look at the specs you'd think it wouldn't cover 4X5, but it does, with some to spare. Here is an example on a reclaimed negative FP-100C45 negative, which shows little if any vignetting.  These are cool and relatively inexpensive lenses, a little shorter and less fast and glamorous as an Aero Ektar by the numbers, but probably faster in terms of light throughput, since there are apparently no thorium-stained elements in the rear group like those found in the Aero Ektar lenses.  And they are just small enough for handheld use too. Check out this amazing array of Xenotars.

You can see on mounted in the primary test camera here, except that one is mounted in a Copal No 3.

Fourth year - Question tags

Here is a video about the formation of question tags. Have a look and practise.

Second year - Family and days of the week

This is a video in which you can review the different members of a family and the pronunciation. There is also a section to practise time expressions like days of the week.

Fourth year - Monday 27 September 2010

Summary of the class:

- Speaking: education in Britain and USA

- Speaking practice: What is your opinion about the education system in Spain? What do you think about home schooling?

- Listening: my first week at university

- Grammar: auxiliary verbs

- Speaking practice: Question tags

Second year - 2ºA - Monday 27 September 2010

Summary of the class:

- Vocabulary: family and relationships.

- Speaking practice: your family

- Reading: What's in a name?

- Pronunciation: -ed sounds

Monday, September 27, 2010


 I'm really liking the shades of green in this home ..... especially that Smeg fridge !!!

See more here .