Sunday, February 6, 2011


As I mentioned in this post our very hot Saturday was made better by a very fun Saturday night dinner with three of my favorite girlfriends, they are always such funny, relaxed, feel good company,
I adore them ....
good friends really are the best form of therapy don't you think ?

My friends daughter, who happens to be one of the funniest kids I know (remember her from this post and this sign) loves parading around in this horse head and she was also playing with a dress up wig (we have good dress ups at my house !!!) .....

..... as we were saying our goodbyes I noticed she had put the wig on my Scotty Dog .... too funny !!!

On a totally different note ... our tomatoes are doing very well, we have quite an abundance of them at the moment ... 
and after yesterdays post I am happy to say we woke up to a cool 19°C .... so nice.
Hope you have a great week

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