Sunday, February 6, 2011


It's been a record breaking heatwave week in this part of the world, Saturday reached a top of 42°C .....
soooo hot !!! 
I'm much more of a cold climate girl, I'm actually very envious of the snow some of my overseas friends are having at the moment.
So it was lots of fans, water and showers at my house ..... 

 my dog Malcom took refuge on the bathroom tiles .... (in-between being hosed down) ....

Meg got the fan and the couch ..... 

.... and I took over my son Barney's room (he was away for the weekend), being downstairs with concrete floors made it the coolest room in the house  ... 

.... and I was soon joined by this pair.

The sun was still bright well into the evening ....
but we still managed to have a very fun night on the deck with some great girlfriends (my husband was also away with my son) .... food, wine and laughs, a perfect way to beat the heat !!!

Thankfully today the rain came .... and how sweet it is !!!

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