Friday, February 25, 2011


This creative space  .... so great !!!
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I love this photo of Greer from "Fall into the River"(doesn't she look amazing) so much so I asked her if I could use it on this blog. Greer also thought of me and took this great photo for "What Made Me Happy Today".... thanks Greer !!!
Actually a big thank you all the lovely folk who sent in happy pics from all over the world ... I love receiving them .... they make me very happy indeed !!! 
So true don't you think?
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We really need to get a ladder in our household, would it be too much to ask that it look like this?
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Red Pesto Cheese Ravioli with Crumbled Goat Cheese, Oven-Roasted Cherry Tomatoes, and Baby Spinach ....
Yum, looks good to me ....
via here
.... and while we're on the subject of food, this Arabic dinner looks
fun !!!
These lunch bags are pretty clever ....
 via here
.... and I'm really liking this photo series.
via here

I was asked by the lovely Siobhan of "Cooking from The Heart" to name some of my favorite cookbooks for a post on her blog .... have a peek !!!

Hope you have a great weekend

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