Wednesday, February 16, 2011


 I had a shot of my kitchen at the end of this post and I received quite a few emails from people wishing to see more, so here it is .....
I must say it is a very humble kitchen, really nothing fancy, the bench tops are quite narrow, the dishwasher and stove poke out .... but the table under the window makes up for the lack of workspace .... and it's all quite functional really.
I have amassed quite the collection of tools over the years ....  I do use everything though, that has to be the rule in a small kitchen, if it's not functional it goes ....
so welcome to my kitchen.




  I think the nicest thing about the kitchen is it looks out onto here.

I found these shots from a while back when the kitchen was cleared out for a paint ... I kind of like it in it's empty shell form.

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