Friday, February 25, 2011

Please like us on Facebook

The deal with Facebook is that we need to get 25 people to like us to have a page like the one you will see if you click on "New55" on the right. Once we reach the magic 25 something happens, angels sing or some features become available, more likely.

Eventually there will be more content and chatter there, and links to other related projects. Right now it is just a few placeholders.

So if you have a moment, please click on that and click "like". If it turns out later you don't like it you can always click unlike. Also I believe you can like it, and then ignore it, so postings from Facebook's New55 page don't intrude upon your network socializing.

I see that FB is trying to add a high res gallery option, and at the same time I don't see Flickr well supported by FB - oh well that doesn't matter.


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