Saturday, February 26, 2011


I had some little visitors stay over on Friday night ....
I'm kind of in the middle of a furniture rearrange / de-clutter at the moment (I have even made progress in this room) .... but we did find space and a mattress to make a tent to accommodate them for the night.

 We even got out all the little kitchen things .... they are my daughters from when she was little, her and her friends used to play restaurants for hours and hours, it was so adorable, they had a chalkboard  that they would write the daily menu on (borrowing my cookbooks for inspiration), they would take reservations (via the toy phone) in their little reservation book ... it was quite the happening place !!!
(I'm so glad we have hung on to all our special toys)

 So the tent was very well equipped and comfortable ....

... even Elvis thought so !!! 

They slept very well, woke to Saturday morning cartoons ....

 .... and headed home before lunch, leaving me with a very cute dinosaur display on the windowsill  ....

.... and Malcom with a very nice doggie bed !!!
There are a few more cute photos here from their last visit.

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