Friday, February 11, 2011


These flowers that randomly popped up in my garden .... there were only two, but I'm happy !!!
 This amazing office space .... just beautiful.
via here
 These lovely nails ....
 via here
.... and the adorable street art of Sandrine Estrade Boulet.
found via here

 This gorgeous girl, (loving her coat and boots) .....
 via here

....  and this sleeping net (no good for me, I have a vertigo) but amazing all the same !!!
via here
 Drinks served in jars .... found on this new blog.

A lovely package in the post (all the way from Belgium) from this lovely girl .... I won it in a little giveaway on her blog, so special, thanks Hermine xxx.

.... and this also arrived today, my daughters new school bag ... she bought it from this Etsy shop, such soft leather and I think it will get even better with age !!!
(my dog Elvis managed to get his tail in the shot too)

This pair just made me smile, (at first I didn't think they were real) .... too cute !!!
 via here

Oh, and lastly this shoplifting seagull .... very clever (and funny) !!!
 found via here
Hope you have a great weekend

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