Friday, February 25, 2011

Macro flower Saturday:Clivia

These flowers grow in my school garden. I dedicated this post to Christchurch city which is devastated by a massive earthquake on Tuesday.

My school canceled our annual picnic and next Friday, we will wear Red and black and the students are encouraged to give a donation. Red and Black is the colour of Canterbury which is the region where Christchurch is.

The colour red is usually accepted as the colour of human endeavour, of effort and sacrifice. The colour black is the symbol of the soil. Together the people and the soil make the future of the province. The tight bonding of the red and the black demonstrating the closeness of partnership. Every person who understands the symbolism of the Canterbury Flag adds his or her own contribution to that partnership.

Macro Flower Saturday

Bluberry craft and hobby time

Clivia (pronounced /ˈklaɪviə/)[1] is a genus of monocot flowering plants native to southern Africa. They are from the family Amaryllidaceae. Common names include Kaffir lily and bush lily.

They are herbaceous evergreen plants, with green, strap-like leaves. Flowers are bell-shaped flowers on a stalk above the foliage, and they are can be any color except blue, black, and brown.[

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