Sunday, February 13, 2011


 Well I've shown you the nice parts of my home here and here, which is the upstairs part ....  now I think it is time to show you the not so nice parts.
Ready ?

 Come with me .....

down the stairs ......

  ...... to the "tah dah" ...... "messy room" !!!

 .... and what a mess it is, it wasn't always that way, but somehow it has ended up a sort of storage room, it used to have carpet until we had a bit of a leak and had to rip it up, and it's pretty much been downhill from there ....

  ..... you have to go through the messy room to get to my sons room, which I must say is kind of good, because that is a pretty messy room in itself. 

Anyway, I had big big plans to get stuck in and sort out this part of the house today (I have actually had big plans for a while now), last weekend was too hot, the weekend before too busy .....
and today was wet and rainy .....

 Sooooo .......  after a morning visit to my mums house,
upstairs here reading and .... 

 .... here doing a bit of cooking (and eating) .... seemed like a much nicer place to spend the afternoon.
 So I'm hoping this week I will have a big burst and get that messy room sorted out.
But who knows, and really it's not going anywhere is it? ..... so we'll see, and really where would I put all the mess if I didn't have the messy room anyway  .... and .... and ....
Stay tuned !!! 
Did you have a nice weekend ?

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