Friday, February 11, 2011

Second year - 2ºB - Thursday 10 February 2011

Summary of the class:

- Writing / speaking: description of jobs

- Listening: what did you want to be when you were a child?

- Speaking: questions about job

- Reading: Charlotte Hutton

- Grammar: can / can't / have to / don't have to

- Pronunciation: have to

- Speaking: Do you have to...? Click here to read the document.

- Anecdote: a friend's job


On February 24 the students are going to make oral presentations about a selected province in Andalucia. The topics which will be analysed are: what to see? what to do? what to eat and drink? Relevant people. If you have not put your name up on the list, you need to join a group because that presentation will be part of the final mark in the second term.

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