Sunday, January 2, 2011


So .... continuing on from this post .....

we crossed over into more rural country .....

.... and lots of very camera friendly cows .... I love cows !!!
(I think the one in the background is attempting a smile)

 The boys found them quite interesting too.

There were also lots of wonderful old shacks .... reminded me a lot of the ones in this book.

We finally arrived in this very beautiful part of the world .... still no blue skies, 
but lovely all the same.
 Over the next few days, we had Christmas day with family .....

  lots of lovely long walks ....

 always ending up at this very popular fishing wharf .....
(and Meg's wearing her Christmas dress)

 We also went to a country race meeting ....

 .... didn't win, but fun all the same !!!
A very nice few days.

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