Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Q: How are You Gonna Do That?? A: I Have No Idea!!! : )

Demo and Thora gave me the green light on starting a new branch of Derby Dolls in the county that I actually lived in: San Diego.

But I would have to do it on my own, since LADD had just lost their warehouse space and they had their hands full trying to find a new one and rebuild.
 Now, I actually lived 40 minutes away from San Diego proper at the time, in a little military town called Oceanside.
Isn't the beach pretty? Yah... too bad I never went to it!
So I didn't actually have any idea where anything in San Diego was.

Oh, PS: I didn't have a computer either! So everything I had to get done/figured out/researched online was to happen at the beautiful Oceanside Public Library Computer Center.
Not actually beautiful, and usually smelled bad and was full of tweakers. But the people who worked there were nice.
I had also just gone plummeting into debt, as my income (barbering in a military town) had been drastically effected by the War In Iraq; sending all my clients to a sandy desert in the middle east.
So.. on the surface, I did not appear to be in any position to be starting any empires.

Cue... dreamkillers!

The people closest to me had no idea how to be supportive of this new venture. It just didn't fit into their paradigm of "things people do."
 After a few people asked me how I was gonna pull this off (answer: I have no idea! *huge smile*) I decided to stop telling people about it...

Because the truth was, I truly had no idea! I just knew that I'd never been so charged up about an idea in my life, and I was gonna do it. And it was gonna be epic!!!

I'd been reading a lot of books about The Law Of Attraction, so I believed that if I just stayed positive, kept moving forward, and visualized the outcomes I wanted... then everything would just fall into place. And you know what? It did!

Didn't really matter that I knew nothing about nothing (and arguably, still don't!). I had the faith and the motivation. So in that way, maybe being an empty shell is a good thing!

I'll tell you more about it next time...  Have a positively RAD day today!

Here's my parting gift!

And here's some recommended reading!

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