Friday, February 4, 2011

Reagent III processing of Efke Direct Positive Paper

Feasible? Yes. Good quality? No, not in this early example.

This is what I got today, exposing an 8x10 sheet of Efke Direct Positive paper, and processing it for 10 minutes in reagent III in a Paterson Orbital Processor at 70F.  I've upped the contrast and flipped the image horizontally.  This 15 second exposure in room light was made with the old Calumet/Speed Graphic chimera, and a ghostly image can be seen on the left for about half the total exposure time.

This paper is cut to fit in a standard 8X10 film holder and slides in easily. It is apparently resin-coated and so dries to a nice smooth glossy finish, slightly warm in tone.  As you can see, I got very uneven development with most of the development occurring in the center, streaks, a spot here and there, and mottling. I don't know if this can be overcome with a single bath process, but it will be fun to try.

Seen L-R: Crowley's ghost, some sort of DSLR, a Speed Graphic with a 150mm Xenotar, and a 4x5 Cambo with a right angle viewing attachment, back-lit in the lab. Just after this shot was processed, a huge chunk of ice and the metal gutter it adhered to came crashing from the second floor down against the bright window visible on the right. It didn't break, but it was close, and it made me jump.

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