Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Leadership Among Alphas

You wanna take a short survey?

Here's the question: What do you do when somebody sneezes in their hand?

A) Nothing, whatever.
B) Offer them a tissue
C) Say "bless you" or "gazunitite"
D) Watch where the hand goes after said sneeze happened, and then judge the shit out of sneezer no matter where that might be

Being in a position of leadership in roller derby is often just like sneezing in your hand.

Maybe there was a better way to do it, but you just didn't know that at the time.

In the mean time, various league members will either:

A) Not really notice because they're more into their own experience of roller derby

B) See that you could use some guidance and offer to help you out

C) Wish you the best, without making any move one way or the other

D) Watch you closely and judge the shit out of you

I'm not trying to scare anybody away from leadership positions! I happen to know from experience that the vast majority of skaters are more of the A) and C) variety.

But sometimes it's the D)'s that you notice. And it can be disheartening.

The truth is, if you step up to a leadership position in any area of life, you can't be doing it for the appreciation.

Especially in a volunteer organization.

So, if it's not for money, and not for the appreciation... you may be wondering....

I'll share my perspective.

If you think that picture's heart warming, imagine what it feels like to have someone tell you that you've inspired them to make serious change and live a more fulfilling life...

You may only get one of those a year, but many will live a whole life without ever hearing something like that!

And besides the occasional actually-would-think-to-offer-you-a-tissue personality, there's your resume.

And I don't really mean this kind...

I mean more... your internal resume. The one that makes up who you are as a person.

There are those who live with no interest in self evaluation or self improvement.

Those will play the part of "haters" in your life. And that's whatever, it's their path to take if they choose.

The trick is to not let it effect your path. Because for every hater, there's a majority of people just enjoying their experience.

 All the while, you get to build your personal resume with all the challenges and rewards that go with putting yourself out there, taking chances and growing your potential, within a group dynamic.

I'll get into specific examples of my experiences later. For now, I will remind you; sneeze in your sleeve!

And leave you with an inspiring quote that pretty much gets me every time:

Have a super totally awesome mega epic rad day today!!!

How bout some parting gifts??

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