Thursday, February 3, 2011

Don't Call Me Oprah

Today I wanna share with you my recommended reading list!


This first one I was so moved by; I used to actually read chapters of it at practice and post lines from it on our message board:

He's the same guy who wrote another great book, that helped me reconcile my hippie tendencies w/contact sportiness:

Why do some of my favorite books get turned in mediocre movies??

Dan Millman 

was an Olympic gymnast before he was a famous writer, so most of his books are of an athletic/mind/body vibe.

Yes, I've read all of them... And one of those things was not like the others...

But it had such a profound impact on me, developmentally, that I'm gonna recommend it to you:

That one's actually more of a reference book than a read-it-straight-through kinda deal. 

It's about your numerology, or life numbers. I've read a lot of bullshit numerology books, so I wasn't really  expecting to be so shocked by any kind of accuracy.

But Millman brought the goods!

Not only in bringing to light what my (obvious) personal strengths and weaknesses are, but giving insight on what kinds of latent tendencies and potentials were there that I wasn't yet expressing.

Two more to go!

This one was recommended to me by SD Derby Doll, Shiva Mi Timbers. And I felt so validated by the info it contained!

This is another one that made it's way to being read at team practices. 

So much rad! Some parts are boring and sciency, but well worth powering though for the examples that relate to it.

This last one I actually read almost 10 years ago.

It's become such a part of me I hadn't even realized I was talking about it at a seminar in Buffalo, until Queen City skater Stormie Weather  brought me a copy as a gift the next day!

Thank you Stormie!

I realize that most people spend more time in the car than on a couch reading...

But the good news is that you should be able to find most of these in audio form, and essentially, get a whole book read within a week of driving to this place and that!

Should you feel so inclined...

So, those are some books that have really helped me develop my game, physically, mentally, and sometimes spiritually.

If you have some you wanna recommend, share away!

It's caring, isn't it?  : )

You have a ultra extra special rad day today! Here's a quote I love:

Until next time, here's my parting gifts!

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