Monday, February 28, 2011

Ruby Red/Rednesday: New Zealand

The New Zealand Flag.

Today is a week since our Christchurch city was struck by the earthquake.

Today, at 12.51pm, the nation will observe a 2 minutes silence. The Mayor has asked even traveling vehicles to stop where they are . "The two-minute silence at 12.51pm is really about whatever you are doing, stop ... and we all stand together as one," he said.

It is going to be a very somber feeling as we pause and reflect and think how we are going to move forward.


Our principal assembled all 660 students and teachers under our big tree. It was in the mid of our lunch hour. The weather was hot, most of the kids were in the sun. The kids all came early. We were waiting, when a neighbor went hammering. Our principal went to the fence and told him about the 2 minutes silence. He soon stopped.

We started our silence, and a church bell tolled from far away. The kids were very good. We had a few handicap kids on walkers and clutches. Only an aspergers boy remained in the play ground.

The principal thanked the students for giving up part of their lunch hour.


I did a couple of "Simple Everyday" posts here and here a while back and I thought it was time for another, I got very inspired scrolling through this beautiful blog .... plus a few others , the photographs pretty much speak for themselves ...

Shots 1,3,5,12  via here 2 via 4,9 via 6 via 7 via 8 via 10 via
11,13 via 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Scenic Sunday: Photos from the TV news in Christchurch

The student army helping with spades and wheel barrows to remove the liquefaction.

Bob Parker, the mayor

Water is liquid gold. people queue for water from tanks.

I did not go out to take photos as it is a black week in New Zealand . Over at the Sunday Stills meme, the challenge is taking photos from the TV. I am posting some of the photos I have taken for that meme.


I had some little visitors stay over on Friday night ....
I'm kind of in the middle of a furniture rearrange / de-clutter at the moment (I have even made progress in this room) .... but we did find space and a mattress to make a tent to accommodate them for the night.

 We even got out all the little kitchen things .... they are my daughters from when she was little, her and her friends used to play restaurants for hours and hours, it was so adorable, they had a chalkboard  that they would write the daily menu on (borrowing my cookbooks for inspiration), they would take reservations (via the toy phone) in their little reservation book ... it was quite the happening place !!!
(I'm so glad we have hung on to all our special toys)

 So the tent was very well equipped and comfortable ....

... even Elvis thought so !!! 

They slept very well, woke to Saturday morning cartoons ....

 .... and headed home before lunch, leaving me with a very cute dinosaur display on the windowsill  ....

.... and Malcom with a very nice doggie bed !!!
There are a few more cute photos here from their last visit.

Second year - 2ºB - Thursday 24 February 2011

Summary of the class:

- Presentations: Andalucia

- Writing: a formal letter. Click here to see the the document we worked on.

- Conversation: should. Click here to see the document


Write an application letter using the prompts I handed out.

Fourth year - Workshop

Conversation about the following topics:

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Queen Of Paypal????

I'm not even gonna hate on Kim's hustle. Nowadays artist are skipping record labels all together and releasing music directly from their websites. Why not treat the people that love you the most (the fans) 2 goodies and treats until the actual album is complete. Kim is no different right? So why all the hate.... Well here is my issue.

When you release a mixtape on a confirmed date either it's gonna drop on that actual date delivered by mail or better yet being able to download from Itunes.  None of that actually happened. 

Talk about a sour Valentine's Day.... There's no track listing and you actually have to wait until she signs the damn things to receive it. Pure genius or misleading?

While Kim will go down in rap history as one of the most influential and talked about female MC's off all time the way she's going about it is quite hilarious. Overall Kim has been a leading trending topic on the popular social network twitter and released the highly anticipated video for "Black Friday" the straight out the gate single off of the mixtape.  But It remains to be seen whether or not Kim will regain the star status she once had and hopefully allowing hip hop to once again embrace the Queen Bee. 

One thing is for certain female rap is once again alive and kicking with Nicki on the brink of releasing "Did It On Em" her 5th single, Foxy Brown throwing herself into the mix once again by news of her  prepping "Black Roses", and Kim's mixtape "Black Friday" the claws are out and femcees are once again dominating the musical hip hop scene.


picture of a tiger

Star wars posters

Road Bikes