Friday, October 1, 2010


This beautiful work by Gottfried Helnwein
via here

..... and these shots of the artist at work (very child friendly !!! )

 Last week it was electrical cords this week it's very good looking pipes.
 via here
Love this Ikea room ..... more here.
I wish I had brick walls in my home .....
.... and one of these "Fabulous Garlands"would be nice too !!!

The Sartorialist  does it again !!!

Really liking the look of this store .....
via here
.... and this shot taken in Venice.
via here

These look like the paper plates from last weeks post .... click here to see more of this Greek hideaway,  Heavenly!!!
 This fabric fish by Tamar Mogendorff.
via here 
  Albert Maysles amazing home featured in "The Selby"

This is kind of funny ..... click to enlarge.
not sure where I found it

 These amazing photographs by Jasper James.

Whats not to love about this pair .... too adorable !!!
 via here

 I really liked this post by Anna of Rummey Bears ... haven't we all been there,
 but by the look of this photo I don't think it is doing her too much damage !!!
 Hope you have a great weekend.

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